2018曼谷国际书展 台湾电影放映与映后与谈人简介:总铺师







地点:会议室 Auditorium

对小婉来说,她的人生就像是开了一个大玩笑,虽然对烹饪有天分,她的父亲又是大名鼎鼎,与北部憨人师、中部鬼头师齐名的南部办桌总铺师之王「苍蝇师」,但小婉只想成为模特儿,发展她的明星梦。 天不从人愿加上遇人不淑,小婉意外背上男友刻意遗留的债务,不得已只好跑路回家乡,想不到自己母亲也一样,因为苍蝇师过世后,生意被弟子阿财师接收,加上欠缺的料理天分,造成大麻烦,也不得已跟着跑路,母女两个只好相依为命, 靠小面馆为生。 小婉姣好的容貌,引起了几个宅男注意,为了引起小婉注意,在网络上散布传言,让小婉家的生意时好时坏,母女两个很是担心。 面馆意外来了一位客人叶如海,因为忘了钱包,最后决定用厨艺抵债,教小婉几道办桌菜。

教学相长的过程,小婉与叶如海似乎产生情愫,叶如海教小婉的菜色,引起令一位客人的注意,让他们接到了办桌的邀约,但叶如海此时也消失行踪,还剩下三道菜未教,小婉母女东拼西凑,最后顺利的让客人满意,并推荐他们参加办桌大赛。 办桌大赛即将开始,各路人马齐至,小婉半路出家还缺三道菜才能凑成一桌菜色的厨艺、背叛小婉父亲的阿财师、厨艺跟行踪一样高深莫测的鬼头师与憨人师,还有父亲的授业师傅… 上菜一分钟,煮菜十年功,办桌料里的传承大任,究竟小婉能不能承担下来? 她的爱情能不能跟料理手艺一样大逆转?

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To Hsiao-wan, life seems to be a big joke. Although she’s talented at cooking, and her father, “Master Cangying,” who enjoys equal popularity with “Master Hanren” in northern Taiwan and “Master Guitou” in central Taiwan, is the most famous banquet chef in southern Taiwan, Hsiao-wan want s to be a model and chase after her dream of stardom.

However, due to bad luck and an ill-fated romance, Hsiao-wan has to pay back the debt deliberately left by her boyfriend. Out of options, she has to run back to her hometown. Unexpectedly, her mother is in the same boat. After “Master Cangying” passed away, his business was taken over by his apprentice “Master A-cai.” And due to her lack of cooking talent, she has gotten into financial difficulty, and has to flee from her debtors. The mother and the daughter are thus forced to depend on each other and make a living by operating a small noodle restaura nt.

Hsiao-wan’s good looks attracts the attention of a few geeks. In order to draw Hsiao-wan’s attention, they spread rumors online which causes instability for Hsiao-wan’s restaurant’s bu siness. The mother and the daughter are worried about by this. By chance, the customer Yeh Ju-hai forgets to bring his wallet with him when he visits the restaurant. In the end, he decides to use his cooking skill to pay back the debt by teaching Hsiao-wan a few banquet dishes.

During the teaching process, Hsiao-wan and Yeh Ju-hai fall in love with each other. The dishes taught by Yeh Ju-hai attract a customer’s attention, who hires them to cater a banquet. With three dishes not yet taught, Yeh Ju-hai suddenly disappears at this time. Hsiao-wan and her mother manage to scrape the dishes together. The customer is very happy about their cooking, and thus recommends them to take part in a banquet competition.

The banquet competition is coming, and all participants have arrived. Without a cooking background, Hsiao-wan still needs three more dishes for the competition. Not to mention she has to face Master A-cai who betrayed her father, Master Guitou and Hanren Shi, whose cooking skill and whereabouts are unknown, and her father’s teacher. Can Hsiao-wan take them all on? Will her love life and cooking skill both take a turn for the worse?


东海大学工业工程系毕业 著名影评人、剧评人,台新艺术奖提名委员。 曾任电影杂志总编与表演艺术杂志企编,写倒的杂志与网站超过20家以上,没写倒的已经正式超过写倒的。

从学生时代就热爱艺术电影的田国平,对于欧洲生活有股莫名的向往。 因此在10年前,他辞掉程序设计师的工作,带着身边仅有的10万元,买了1张台北到伦敦的来回机票,开始100天的欧洲自助旅行。 田国平回台后,用「贫穷男」为昵称,在网络上发表文章,并开始以自由作家为业在网络电子报开始兴起后,田国平就固定发行电影电子报,渐渐的,开始有片商、杂志社、电影圈朋友主动请他看电影,甚至邀请他写影评,于是逐渐成为着名影评人。


2018曼谷国际书展 台湾电影放映和映后与谈日程表




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