2018曼谷国际书展 台湾电影放映与映后与谈人简介:心灵时钟







地点:会议室 Auditorium



一日,叶蓝放学回家,发现父亲骤然离世,全家人都笼罩在悲伤的阴影之中。 然而比悲伤更令人不安的是,父亲的死因在学校、邻居和亲人之间变成一种禁忌,在九岁的叶蓝尚不能理解和接受死亡之前,命运之手已将他推入大海中,迷失了方向。 而他的姊姊和母亲自顾不暇,也都深陷各自的迷网之中。

突然有一日,叶蓝收到父亲生前寄来的一只奇怪的古董时钟,用途不明,秒针也停摆了,就好像永远沉睡的爸爸。 叶蓝下定决心要修好这个怪钟。 他希望秒针再度转动的时候,一切都会有了答案…


张砚拓,专职影评人,《酿电影》主编,曾任香港国际电影节费比西奖评审、高雄电影节国际短片竞赛评审,经营【时光之砚】部落格与脸书页12年,文章刊载于周刊编集、新活水、BIOS Monthly等等纸本与在线媒体。 时常举办讲座,也多次访问电影工作者,2017年春出版第一本文集《刚刚好的时光》,信仰:美好的回忆是我的神。

Packages from Daddy

Lan, a nine-year-old boy, lives happily with his parents and sister in a peaceful seaside town. Due to his love of salvaging objects from torn up ships, his father opens a nautical goods store called the “Blue Shop” in the city center, not far from their home. They live a quiet and happy life.

One day, Lan comes home one day to find his father dead, sending his life into disarray as the family grieves. But what’s even more unsettling than his sorrow is that the cause of his father’s death has become the subject of a taboo among his school, neighbors, and family members. Before the nine-year-old Ye Lan is able to understand and accept his father’s death, fate pushes him into a vast sea, maki ng him lose his way, while his sister and mother deal with their own problems, and are lost in their own mazes.

Not long after, Lan receives a package containing an odd-shaped clock sent by his father before his death. It is a strange and stopped clock, which seems like sleeping father. Lan visits many stores trying to fix the clock. He hope he will have answer for everything when he eventually solved the mystery of the clock…



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