2018曼谷国际书展 台湾电影放映与映后与谈人简介:阵头





Din Tao:Leader of the Parade

A-tai (played by Alan Ko) was born into a famous parade formation family in Taichung. He was a naughty child and liked to fool around with the parade deity. He is a disappointment in the eyes of his father (played by Chen Bor-jeng). The father and the son have had tense relationship due to A-tai’s rebelliousness. However, due to a mishap, A-tai unexpectedly takes over the director’s position.

Not only do the group of parade formation members who have dropped out have their doubts about the son, the other parade f ormation family member (played by Hsiao-kui) is also waiting to see how he will screw up.

In the face of the traditions upheld by the older people and doubts from the formation members, A-tai decides to prove him self in his own way. Carrying the drum and the deity, he leads the group of young members on a trip around Taiwan, bringing fresh air to Taiwan ‘s parade formation culture.



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