2018曼谷国际书展 台湾电影放映与映后与谈人简介:痴情男子汉






与谈人:纪大伟、但唐谟、Guyootapony Nopakun

地点:会议室 Auditorium




他们是分属新兴高中四大天王的坐骑。 他们四个在校园的食物链处于底层,被霸凌的阶级。

四人为了密谋将四天王扳倒,二崁趁体育课把刀塞在天王之一安迪烙的书包里,嫁祸于他。 但二崁在掏出刀子那刻,安迪烙刚好逃学回来拿烟,两人看着彼此愣住了,二崁不知哪来的勇气,忽然举起刀朝安迪烙冲过去,顿时成了校园随机杀人案未遂现行犯。 没有家世背景的二崁,为了义气一肩扛起,被学校退学。

离校的最后一天,二崁还有一件最想做的事,就是跟洪曼丽告白。 二崁一直是校园底层的姿态生存着,更没有立场会期盼洪曼丽会喜欢他,更何况洪曼丽是安迪烙的女朋友。

新兴高中有个校园传说,听说「在校长室告白一定会成功! 」所以兄弟们各自分工,调虎离山,终于,校长室只剩二崁跟曼丽。

二崁像曼丽告白的时候,曼丽却按了校长室广播按钮,气急攻心的安迪烙领着四天王闯来校长室,四人把二崁架住,二崁无视被殴打,还是奋力大喊「洪曼丽,我决定爱你一万年! 」

All Because of Love

Every school has its own legends.

For Xinxing High School, it’s famous for its four divine beasts, Azure Dragon (Shizi), White Tiger (Pangxie), vermilion bi rd (Tiaozhen) and Black Tortoise (Erkan), who are led by Shizi.

They’re the underlings of Xinxing High School’s Four Heavenly Kings. They’re at the bottom of the food chain, and among the most bullied students.

The four of them come up with a plan to overthrow the Four Heavenly Kings. Erkan will sneak a knife in the backpack of Andy Luo—one of the Four Heavenly Kings—to frame him. But when Erkan gets out the knife, Andy Luo happens to skip the class and come back to get a cigarette. They stare at each other in surprise. With sudden courage, Erkan raise the knife and charge toward Andy Luo. He therefore becomes a school random attempted murder suspect. Erkan, who doesn’t have a grand family background, decides to take full responsibility for the brotherhood, and is expelle d from the school.

The one thing that Erkan wants to do on the last day before leaving high school is to reveal his affection to the most bea utiful girl at school—Hung Manli. Erkan has always existed as a survivor at the bottom of the food chain at school. He has no reason to expect Hung Manli will like him, not to mention that she is Andy Luo’s girlfriend.

There is a legend at Xinxing High School that whoever makes a heartfelt confession at the principal’s office is sure to be successful! So the brothers play their parts to get the people away from the principal’s office. Finally, only Erkan and Manli are left at the principal’s office.

However, when Erkan summons the courage to confess his love for Man-li, Man-li presses the school loudspeaker button, whic h causes her boyfriend, leading the other three heavenly kings, to charge into the principal’s office. The four of them grab Erkan, who despite of being beaten, still spares no effort and shouts: “Hung Manli, I will love you for ten thousand years.”

与谈人:纪大伟、但唐谟、Guyootapony Nopakun

但唐谟,台北出生,念过三次台大,拿到戏剧硕士。 喜欢小狗,喜欢洛杉矶的墨西哥小区,喜欢做菜给朋友们吃。 当过唱片公司企划、端过咖啡、干过金马奖评审,翻译过《猜火车》、《猛男情结》、《已婚男人》、《简明性爱辞典》等,现任OKAPI网站专栏作者。



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