由臺灣文化部、駐泰辦事處主辦,與泰國國鐵局攜手,並由VISION THAI 看見泰國承辦的「暹羅復興I華藍蓬火車站的未來式」,雙邊探討轉型發展。

Renaissance in Siam I: The Future of Hua Lamphong Railway Station” will be held during 28-29 June


With the primary idea about transforming Hua Lamphong Railway Station into the “Railway Museum of Thailand”, and the relat ed transportation facilities and systems that might trigger changes in the economic and cultural structure of the surround ing area, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Thailand (TECO) have collaborated with the Thai Railway Foundation to hol d the railway cultural event, and assigned VISION THAI, Chinese media with a focus on Thailand, to be an organizer.

The “Renaissance in Siam I: The Future of Hua Lamphong Railway Station” will feature a series of activities related to rai lway culture. Event attendees are invited to witness the magnificent history of 100-year-old Hua Lamphong Railway Station, while at the same time exploring the possible developments and future directions for the transformation of the Station into the Museum.

Online Registration【Click Here】

Two Rounds of Magnificent Activities, Taking You Through the 100-year History of the Railway

“Renaissance in Siam I: The Future of Hua Lamphong Railway Station” will feature two rounds of activities. The first round is Site Visit of Thailand Railway Cultural Venue on 28 June. In this round, an expert will guide event attendees around the Hua Lamphong Railway Station and show all cultural faciliti es currently available in the Railway Heritage Exhibition Hall. The attendees will also get to visit Bang Sue Station — new railway station of Bangkok with entirely new railway transpor tation system– and have a rare opportunity to visit the area that is normally restricted.

The second round is Taiwan-Thailand Railway Museum Experiences Sharing Forum which will be held on 29 June on the 16th flo or of Prime Hotel Central Station Bangkok.

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Taiwan-Thailand Railway Cultural Exchange, Inviting You to Explore the Future of Hua Lamphong

Taiwan-Thailand Railway Museum Experiences Sharing Forum will be joined by a group of Thai railway experts led by the Chai rman of Thai Railway Foundation Dr. Siripong Preutthipan, and Taiwanese scholars specialized in railway and culture preser vation including Prof. Hung Chih-Wen, Prof. Kuo Chyong-Yng, Prof. Huang Chun-Ming and others, along with Mr. Chen Kuan-Fu, the Director of Cultural Division at TECO. The main discussion will revolve around the sharing of experiences and successful cases of the railway preservation and cu ltural assets utilization in Taiwan and Thailand. The ideas generated from this discussion can be used as a reference for the future development of Hua Lamphong Railway Sta tion which will include the recreation of neighborhood area and the revitalization of cultural assets.

Taiwan has versatile experiences in reutilizing cultural resources of its railways. The speakers from Taiwan will share the related experiences and knowledge about cultural facilities, community empowerment , local culture museum and cultural memory system as well as other related topics in the fields of cultural policies and m useum. Taiwanese experts will also share the case studies of railway cultural assets reutilization from Taipei, Kaohsiung, Tainan , Hualien and other cities. As for Thai speakers, they will be looking at the future possibilities of Hua Lamphong Railway Station from the transporta tion and cultural perspectives. At the end of the discussion, the roundtable forum will be held to give an opportunity for all attendees to join in and ex change their ideas about the vision and future of Hua Lamphong Railway Museum.

Online Registration【Click Here】

Event Information

Renaissance in Siam I: The Future of Hua Lamphong Railway Station will be held for 2 days. On 28th June is Site Visit of Thailand Railway Cultural Venue, and on 29th June is Taiwan-Thailand Railway Museum Experien ces Sharing Forum. Event attendees can choose to attend the activity that interests them on either day. Limited seating, please RSVP at your earliest convenience.

Day 1: Site Visit of Thailand Railway Cultural Venue

Date / Time: 28 June 09:00-17:00

Location: Hua Lamphong Railway Station

*Please refer to the registration form for event agenda

Day 2: Taiwan-Thailand Railway Museum Experiences Sharing Forum

Date / Time: 29 June 09:00-17:00

Location: Prime Hotel Central Station Bangkok in Bangkok 16F

*Free! Lunch buffet at the hotel

*Free! Parking space

*Please refer to the registration form for event agenda

Online Registration【Click Here】