2018曼谷国际书展 台湾电影放映与映后与谈人简介:目击者







地点:会议室 Auditorium



九年前,雷雨滂沱的黑夜,报社菜鸟小齐开车在山区抛锚,意外目睹一场肇事逃逸的车祸。 支离破碎的现场,男性驾驶当场死亡,副驾驶座的女性徐爱婷在送医后陷入昏迷,慌乱之间,小齐拍到的肇事车牌模糊难辨,不足以为证,车祸的真相也跟着石沈大海。

同时,报社新的人事命令下来,小齐处理的立委事故报导有误遭告,事业一时跌入谷底。 小齐决定改追查九年前那场车祸悬案,运用多年社会线的人脉,找上刑警德哥,才知道当年车祸的生还者徐爱婷早从医院消失,行踪成谜,小齐决意找出徐爱婷的下落,探究车祸的真相。

社会线背景的小齐发挥职业能力,从查出爱婷的老家为起点,最后终于在一处茶庄,打听到徐爱婷的下落,小齐基于内心对九年前自己无能为力的亏欠感,决定为徐爱婷平反,丝毫没有察觉背后一双眼睛跟着他追查的轨迹,悄悄掳走徐爱婷,显然, 车祸的目击者,不只小齐一个人。


Who Killed Cock Robin

No one can see the entire picture of a truth, because we are but fragmented pieces.

Nine years ago, journalist Hsiao-chi witnessed a hit-and-run crash on a mountain road when his vehicle broke down. In that accident which happened on a stormy night, the male driver was instantly killed, and the female passenger Hsu Ai-t ing fell into a coma. In a panic, Hsiao-chi took photos of the hit-and-run vehicle registration plate. However, the pictures were too blurry to be used as evidence, and therefore facts of the accident were never established.

Years later, the 30-plus Hsiao-chi has become a society news coordinator. Because he’s high-spirited, likes to investigate the truth and full of energy, he rose rapidly in his career, until the da y he had a traffic accident after investigating a legislator’s accident site, and is on his way back to the newspaper agen cy in a hurry to put together first-hand information. Hsiao-chi takes his car to a repair shop. His good friend A-chi finds that Hsiao-chi’s car might be a rebuilt car. Surprised, Hsiao-chi asks the second-hand car dealer, but can’t get an answer. He then turns to Director Wang, an old friend, from the traffic accident team. He finds out that his car was indeed involved in a car accident. The one thing surprises him the most is that he was the person who reported the accident. The memory from nine years ago rushes back to Hsiao-chi.

At the same time, the newspaper’s report states that the legislator’s accident report handled by Hsiao-chi was incorrect, and he’s been sued. As a result, his suddenly hits rock bottom. Hsiao-chi then decides to investigate the unsolved car accident case from nine years ago. He makes use of his personal connections working in society news, and hooks up with the policeman Brother Teh. He finds out that the car accident survivor Hsu Ai-ting had disappeared from the hospital and no one can find her whereabo uts. Hsiao-chi makes up his mind to find Hsu Ai-ting’s whereabouts and investigate the truth of the car accident.

A series of events continue to take place. The truth learned by Hsiao-chi is completely overturned time after time. It’s like the soaking wet broken pieces have returned to the starting point. The people left behind from the car accident still live their lives in guilt, haunted by broken, secret memories.

张砚拓,专职影评人,《酿电影》主编,曾任香港国际电影节费比西奖评审、高雄电影节国际短片竞赛评审,经营【时光之砚】部落格与脸书页12年,文章刊载于周刊编集、新活水、BIOS Monthly等等纸本与在线媒体。 时常举办讲座,也多次访问电影工作者,2017年春出版第一本文集《刚刚好的时光》,信仰:美好的回忆是我的神。


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