2018曼谷国际书展 台湾电影放映与映后与谈人简介:报告老师!怪怪怪怪物!






与谈人:但唐谟、Guyootapony Nopakun

地点:会议室 Auditorium


爱打小报告的资优生-林书伟,长期被全班同学欺负。 特别是班上的风云人物三人组(权威的老大、爱跟风的老二、搞笑的老三)更是每天捉弄他。 某日,女班导师逼迫四个人一同合作小区关怀,照顾独居老人。 某一夜,四人决定盗取失智的独居老人家中的保险箱,不料,却在偷窃的过程中,在大楼里捕获一头会吃人的人形小怪物。

好奇心使然,每天放学过后,四人开始用各种稀奇古怪的方式研究小怪物,希望知道她的来历、特性以及弱点。 每天一起恶搞竟然变成了林书伟与风云三人组的友情升温催情剂。

四个男孩的心智日渐扭曲,最终的友情也受到了考验。 以青春为名的恶意,不知自己惹祸上身的四个男孩,即将引发一连串始料未及的杀机!

与谈人:但唐谟、Guyootapony Nopakun

但唐谟,台北出生,念过三次台大,拿到戏剧硕士。 喜欢小狗,喜欢洛杉矶的墨西哥小区,喜欢做菜给朋友们吃。 当过唱片公司企划、端过咖啡、干过金马奖评审,翻译过《猜火车》、《猛男情结》、《已婚男人》、《简明性爱辞典》等,现任OKAPI网站专栏作者。

mon mon mon Monsters

Lin Shu-wei, a tattle-tale gifted student, has always been bullied by his classmates, especially the popular three (the po werful leader, the follower, and the jester), who make fun of him every day.

One day, his teacher assign the four to perform community service for the elderly. At the end of their day, they steal a locked box from a senior suffering from dementia. However, they stumble upon a pair of flesh-eating female ghouls and capture one of them.

Due to curiosity, these four people begin to study the little monster using all kinds of strange methods after school ever y day, hoping find out her background, character, and weaknesses. This daily malicious activity unexpectedly encourages friendship between Lin Shu-wei and the popular threesome.

The four boys’ minds gradually become twisted and their friendship is being tested in the end. In the name of youth to cover their evil intention, these four boys have no idea that they have gotten into trouble, and w ill bring a series of unexpected murder attempts upon themselves.



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